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A lot of things affect how well-suited your home is for solar, including where your home is, the angle of your roof, how much shade it gets throughout the day, and how old your home is.

Our solar advisors can help you determine if your home is a good fit for solar at the moment. They’ll run a custom analysis of your home with our proprietary solar design technology, BrightPath,™ and they’ll get a sense for your energy needs.

Every household is different. When determining the number of solar panels your home needs, consider the following questions:

How much power do I need? Check your electric bills to see how many kilowatt hours (kWhs) you use throughout the year. We’ll go over this with you in detail during your free solar consultation to figure out just how much power your panels will need to produce.

What’s your climate like? The number of panels you need depends on how much sun reaches the ground where you are.

How much direct sun hits your roof? Shading, which direction your roof faces, and any aesthetic preferences you have can impact how big your system needs to be.

At SM Energy, we have proprietary solar design technology called BrightPath™ to help us create a customized system that maximizes energy production better and faster than if we did it by hand.

After you switch to solar, you won’t notice a difference. Your lights, appliances, televisions and everything else that uses electricity will work exactly as they did before.

The one key difference you will notice after switching to solar is in how you pay for your power. You will still receive a monthly bill from your utility company. If you have a monthly bill with Sunrun, you will have two separate bills.

How much energy you end up having to buy from your utility depends on the size of your solar system and how much electricity you’re actually using.

Because of weather and seasonal changes, your utility bill will vary from month to month. But you’ll always know exactly what you owe SM Energy for the duration of our agreement.